The Travelers:

Miriam - 2 - explorer, loves Care Bears and dogs
Anna - 6 - playmate, loves fairies and friends
Leah - 10 - crafter, loves horses and poetry
David - 12 - programmer, loves fitness and Minecraft
Sarah - 14 - dancer, loves marshmallows and literature
Patricia - teacher, loves mothering, sleep, and to travel
Jesse - professor, loves politics, family, and the great outdoors

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Two weeks!

Our grand adventure!  The start date is looming.  We're trying to wrap everything up here at home, or as much as we can.
Planning.  Prepping.  Packing.  Packing.  Packing.

Steps to take before departure:
obtain vehicle
print map
make reservations
plan meals
buy tent
buy cooler
create blog!

So here we are at step 7.  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think... you already planned all your meals and made all your reservations, and you're two weeks out!? Wow.


keep in touch along the way!